Thursday, November 12, 2009

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

I don't understand how cutting your ends helps your hair grow faster...won't it just make your hair look shorter??

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

Your hair grows an average of an half an inch a month. If you wait more than 4-5 weeks to trim the split ends off....eventually they break off. When that happens you break off more than the half inch you grew.

However, if you trim the very ends every 4 weeks to prevent the breakage from occuring in the first will keep most of that half inch you grow every month. Combine that with a salon shampoo and conditioner....and you can get 6 or more inches of healthy hair every year.

The biggest trick is finding that special hairdresser than will only trim the very tips. If you explain what you're doing...they should work with you of getting the length to where you want it. The other thing in growing your hair out is to always grow from style to style....not length to length. That way you're never going to be bored with your hair and be tempted to cut it off...;)

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

no there is no proof of such happenings like UFo's

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

it doesn't make it grow faster it just makes it more helathier by cutting off the split ends

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

i don't think it makes your hair grow faster but it prevents the split ends from moving up your hair and basically looking like you stuck your finger in a light socket. it just keeps your hair in better shape!!

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

it doesn''s a myth

your hair grows from the roots , not from the ends

cutting the ends makes it look healthier, and gives it more body which may make you think it's growing looks more alive!!

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

Yeah... you are Absolutely right!!! That's all it does.

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

nope. you'll just have shorter hair.

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

It makes it even and healthier. The snags are gone and it is better to keep the split ends clipped.

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

i agree with all them

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

idk why.

i wondered the same thing tho lol.

i guess when the hair splits at the end it somehow makes the follicle incapable of letting the hair grow...idk! lol your guess is as good as mine.

all i know is that i dont like em, so i cut em off, but i am noticing that my hair is getting longer. hmmm

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

Your hair doesn't grow faster it just gets longer faster if you keep your ends trimmed, if you have split ends your hair breaks and takes longer for it to get longer.

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

it cuts off the dead ends. and you arent supposed to cut that much off. like half an inch or so every couple months it keeps it healthier and in turn making it grow a little bit quicker

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

It doesn't make your hair grow makes it healthier and it prevents the split ends from going up higher causing it to break off making your hair worse. Hair grows 1 inch to 1/2 inch a's good to get it trimmed every 4 to 6 weeks just to keep it healthy.

How does cutting your ends(hair) help your hair grow faster?

Because hair stops growing when there is split ends. So when you trim it regularly hair grows faster then normal. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

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