Saturday, November 14, 2009

What is the BEST thing to do to make hair grow....FAST???

I have shoulder length hair now and want my hair to be long by summer. What can I do to make my hair grow fast? It grows less than 1/2" per month now and I want to speed it up. I've heard of vitimins, fish oils, and things of this nature, but do they really work? Thanks!

What is the BEST thing to do to make hair grow....FAST???

Try biotin supplements; you can find them at any health store. Just a note, it will make all your hair grow. Worked for me, take it daily and it should speed it up noticably.

What is the BEST thing to do to make hair grow....FAST???

the way you make your hair grow fast is...

eat carrots

eat fruit and vegtables and eat healthy me on this one my hair grows really fast when i do these things. IT IS NOT LIKE A DIET!!!!

What is the BEST thing to do to make hair grow....FAST???

Yes, Vitimins, %26amp; oils do help. But your hair will maily get stronger not grow any faster. Your hair grows how fast your body lets it. Try not to use any heat products or color on your hair. The healther the better your hair grows.

What is the BEST thing to do to make hair grow....FAST???

get glue in extentions i wear them there really good , the ones ive got you can curl them aswell as straighten them .. there ''sleek 100% europeon weave' ... , very good , but its fact that some peoples hair grows to a certain length like mine lol

ope yu get yur long hair xx

What is the BEST thing to do to make hair grow....FAST???

I have never heard any research about this. But, I have been drinking a lot of water in the past few months and my hair has been growing fast!

What is the BEST thing to do to make hair grow....FAST???

Trimming your hair actually will help it grow faster, removing dead ends and keeping it healthy. Trying washing one day and conditioning the next.

What is the BEST thing to do to make hair grow....FAST???

First think of what hair is made of--protein--so if you eat higher protein foods such as say peanut butter that does feed the body (hair) for growth or at least it is for making stronger hair--I don't think that hair can or will grow any faster than what it does--what you can do is protect it from breakage by braining so you are not brushing and breaking it all day long--

What is the BEST thing to do to make hair grow....FAST???

asd.. Stop sticking that up there. jk

What is the BEST thing to do to make hair grow....FAST???

if you trim your hair it goes back twice as fast. but if you leave your hair it grows to the same length it would have originally :S

anyway green and yellow veg are good

and apparantly massaging your head everynight helps :s

gd luck x

What is the BEST thing to do to make hair grow....FAST???

My hair was down to the middle of my back and i cut it off above my shoulders and i hate it so i kno what u are feeling! What i've been doing is getting a trim ( just a little trim, nothing major) every six weeks to get rid of the dead ends. And use 'Silk Therapy'. Its kinda expensive but it keeps your hair healthy so it can grow faster!!

What is the BEST thing to do to make hair grow....FAST???

there is no real way that you can make your hair grow any faster. there are products out there but they can have side effects such as hair loss and if your lookin to grow your hair out then i don't think you would want to risk it falling out!

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