Saturday, November 14, 2009

Should I take Kelp tablets to grow my hair?

I want to grow my hair longer becoz my hair got ruined and cut to short when i went to a different (and cheaper!) hairdresser. Ive heard that Kelp tablets are really good...and can grow your hair half and inch every month. Ive "googled" them...and most people that have tried them agree that they work! But they also help to speed up or slow down motabolism. I am 15 yrs old...and have a regular weight...(although I am slimmer than most girls my age). I am happy with my figure....and dont want to ruin it by loosing or PUTTING ON weight!! Should I take kelp tablets at my age?? Are they worth the risk??

I am going to buy some....and take some until i get a post suggesting otherwise!! Good luck to me!! My hair is soooo bad!! I need to grow it fast asap!! lol hahaah

Should I take Kelp tablets to grow my hair?

Eat helthy, take vitamin E.

Should I take Kelp tablets to grow my hair?

Let me know if they work!

Should I take Kelp tablets to grow my hair?

try this:

Hair Growth Vitamins

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