Thursday, November 19, 2009

Does wearing a bun help Arican American hair grow?

I have a friend who always wore her hair in a bun and a few years later it was long. But I also hear that if you always wear a bun it can damage your hair. Now my hair is kinda course, and when it growns it just gets thicker, not longer. How can I engourage it to grow longer, and If I decide to keep my hair in a bun to help it grow, what else should I do to make sure it stays healthy and it will grows?

Thankyou :)

Does wearing a bun help Arican American hair grow?

Buns(as long as it is not too tight) is one of the protective hair styles that helps hair not lose its moisture from rubbing on clothes and from the drying elements in the environment.

I have heard of people purposefully only wearing their hair down about 2 times out of the week and wearing their hair in protective hair styles to have long healthy hair.

These are some basic tips to help encourage hair growth.

Currently i have long hair and have been learning alot so...

i do not have a relaxer i stopped getting them 5 years ago ( and i've only have 3 relaxers in my life time so this is all natural) so can show you how to take care of hair with or without a relaxer. In order to have healthy hair while having a relaxer you need to concentrate on moisturizing the hair.

1. The shampoo, unfortunately many black women are using shampoos with alcohol and petroleum jelly. step away from them. Use Aveda's shampoo.. specifically the name is Brilliant...go to the website. I use it, i love it, it mouisterizes my hair and the products are natural. i have also heard that KeraCare's shampoo is good.

2. Okay, step two condition it and then it is time to comb it out, Do not use a brush on you hair when it is wet,,it will hate you for it then break off in revenge. Put your your sections use a big tooth comb, to untangle it

3. Do a hot oil treatment (before shampooing )atleast once or twicea month with extra virgin olive oil...repeat..EXTRA VIRGIN olive oil..not the regular stuff. unfortunately i have yet to take this step however my hair is doing great.

4. Okay on the daily basis you need to pay close attention to your hair...i recommend conditioning your scalp(3-4 times a week) and your ends(everyday) so that they will not get dry and unhealthy Petroleum jellly and mineral oil are weapons of mass destruction ( in other words do not use grease) it does so much harm to your hair it cannot be all explained here. So you ask what do I use...well natural oils grapeseed oil ( use it for hair it deflects heat so it is good for flat iron users like us)

jojoba oil(i use this for my scalp), extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil, emu oil, coconut oil...all these natural oils and more love you..i promise.I also use Aveda's Brilliant ( the name of the brand) emollient for my ends.

5. Next,,if you want your hair straight but still be natural it is time to get a freakin good flat iron.,i have the does the job but I recommend getting the Sedu because of the good reviews. make sure to protect your hair..i have so thermal protector from Aveda. When flat ironing your hair do not let the iron stay on your hair for too long, just 1-2 quick swipes.

6. If you have a relaxer ( i have heard that Mizani and Affirm are the best relaxers) don't continue to relaxer all your hair everytime you go to the salon..just the new growth and try to stretch relaxers as long as possible.

7. You do not need to trim your hair everytime you go to the salon maybe every 3 to 6 months.

8. Wrap your hair in a satin or silk scarf to prevent damage before you go to bed.

9. Eat healthy, drink lots of water,

10 take multivitamins, and fish oil pills you can get from GNC.

Follow these steps and life will be good..the best part about flat ironing (which i do once a week or every two weeks not everday since it will kill your hair) is that it is not stringy but thick and healthy, yet straight and light enough to blow in the wind. If you need anymore info just email me.

Does wearing a bun help Arican American hair grow?

hahahaha not really but no

this is what makes your hair grow:

hello OK so I'm on answers allot and i see allot of people men and women asking about hair growth so i got really tired of type it over and over so i writting an official one that i can just copy and paste to you guys...OK

this product is called wild growth hair oil,and it all natural and it's been out for over 20 years and it really dose work... like really umm i stated using this oil in i think the 5 or 6 grade I'm in the 10 th now i know lol but umm the oil is perfect i love it to tell you the truth i think it's wonderful it's for all hair type from white,black,Asian,umm Scottish whatever the oil is really good and it works there is a site in on it i have no pic's yet but i might give some in June of 08 so my hair should be on or past my shoulders then but the all can be use for both men and woman of all ages and here the link the site it can be bought on line at the wild growth site or at some local beauty store i get mine from sally's beauty for like 7.99 and the prices may deffer on were you buy it but here's the link and i hope you guy get a look into it and try it out

Does wearing a bun help Arican American hair grow?

I have African American hair as well, and the only thing I can do is keep it in an elastic because theres nothing else I can do with it. What I know makes hair grow for sure, is to cut it just a bit every 5-6 weeks. Just like when yuo shave, your hair grows back faster. Another way to keep your hair healthy is to moisturize it well. I recommend Herbal Essence's conditioner, the blue one, I think it's called Drama Clean. It keeps your hair moisturized, and soft. Good luck.

Does wearing a bun help Arican American hair grow?

yea shes ryt and while using the oil make sure you eat at least a half cup of jello with any 2 meals a day thats wat i do and my hair is growing down my back. shoot ima keep eatin lol ur welcome

Does wearing a bun help Arican American hair grow?

The bun hairstyle is a protective style. It doesn't make your hair grow it just protects the ends of your hair(which is the oldest part of your hair) from breakage and split ends. If your hair doesn't break or split then it will grow long. Be sure to wash and condition your hair each week and use a good moisturizer. Don't make ur bun or ponytail too tight. Tightness can cause breakage. Don't use rubberbands, use a covered ponytail holder.

Does wearing a bun help Arican American hair grow?

i dont think buns help for growth

but they can damage your hair

make sure to get good hair ties that preferably have some kind of loose material around them

Does wearing a bun help Arican American hair grow?

buns are a protective said "a few years later it was long" of course if your treating your hair right it will grow long in a few years. however, that also depends on your hair growth rate. you can do like her and wear protective styles in order to promote healthy growth, you have to be healthy. drink water %26amp; eat healthy. fish is a good source of amino acids %26amp; protein which make up hair %26amp; nails

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