Saturday, November 14, 2009

How can i grow long beautiful hair in 2months?

i have really short hair and it is hard for me to grow it and i need some advice on getting long hair?any greases,oil,shampoo,vitamins any thing that will gurantee to grow your hair

How can i grow long beautiful hair in 2months?

This vitamin works really good.

How can i grow long beautiful hair in 2months?

buy it.

How can i grow long beautiful hair in 2months?

nothing unfortunately that is going ot make a significant change in 2 months...apart from hair extensions!


How can i grow long beautiful hair in 2months?

Nothing. Nothing will grow your hair faster then about 1/2 inch a month. There is no guaranteed product. The products out there will only make your hair grow in stronger, not faster. The only way to get long hair faster is to get extensions or wear a wig. You're just going to have to wait.

How can i grow long beautiful hair in 2months?

your hair will not take 2 months to grow to your desired lenght maybe it'll take 6 months to a year, just take vitamins and don't get hair relaxers. For right now you should try braid or hair extentions.

How can i grow long beautiful hair in 2months?


If you trim your hair tips every 4-6 weeks your hair will grow even longer and healthier.

How can i grow long beautiful hair in 2months?

So you want long hair in a short amount of time, eh? Well there is no real way to magically make your hair grow 10 inches in 2 months sadly. You could get extensions. But, that's a lot of work, it's expensive, and it needs a lot of maintanence. So, skip that.

Although that's not ideal, this is. Have you ever wondered why your bangs grow like twice as fast? It's because you stimulate the growth by moving them so much (if you had longer hair, this would be the case) You would be putting them behind your ears, playing with them, ect...

So, i reccomment massaging and rubbing your scalp all over whenever possible. Make it a habbit. This will make your hair a tad greasier (so it will need to be washed more) but it will make it grow faster, and thats guarenteed. There will be a noticable difference if you do it enough, so try this.

How can i grow long beautiful hair in 2months?

Nutritional deficiencies can certainly slow down hair growth.

The best solution is to take a formula specifically designed to help the hair grow, rather than take a cocktail of various vitamin and mineral supplements in the hope that they will do the job.

The only formula worth taking in my opinion it is Provillus. It has been proven to be very effective in helping people who are losing their hair to actually regrow that hair. So in your case if your hair is simply slow in growing and there is no hair loss as such it should work very effectively and quickly

You can check it out here:

It does need to be taken usually to two to three months, but that is based on someone with significant hair loss or hair thinning.

Good luck

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