Thursday, November 12, 2009

How can i help my hair grow faster?

I got a hair cut and i like it but its just a little on the short side (actually alot) lol. but is there any vitamins or shampoos or anything at all that you know of that i can do to help it grow faster?

How can i help my hair grow faster?

The rate that your hair grows is determined by genetics, but with the crap diet that most of us eat, our bodies are not at peak operating efficiency - so taking a multi vitamin - especially one that contains Biotin and silica will help your hair and nails grow at maximum efficiency - though you need to take them every day for at least two months to see the effect.

On average most people's hair grows 1/2 an inch per month

How can i help my hair grow faster?

you know what, I'm in the same dilemma! Drink water! Also, try taking prenatal pills. they make your hair and nails grow SUPER FAST! I also hear that the shampoo Main N' Tail helps it grow too, but I've never tried it. Best way would be Prenatal Pills!!

How can i help my hair grow faster?

GNC has a supplement called "Nourishair" that makes the hair grow faster, you can read what's in it by googling it. Be warned these pills are HUGE and you have to take 2 a day.

Also ProCaps labs sells a "hair skin and nails" formula that does the same thing, supports hair growth and health, and is smaller and easier to swallow.

If you take only Biotin alone, make sure you take at least 2.5 milligrams or 2500 micrograms [the same thing] a day because thats' a good amount to take. I use the Nourishair supplement from GNC now and my hair is growing faster than it did, but it took about 6 to 8 weeks of daily use to see results

How can i help my hair grow faster?

Use a very wide variety of shampoos for your hair and possibly some oils if you have to. Sometimes trying to get your hair to grow longer is hard, it's sometimes genetics. Plus when you condition your hair let it sit for a while.

Good Luck With Your Hair! :D

How can i help my hair grow faster?

Someone told me that if you braid your hair really tight before you go to bed it will help your hair grow really fast.

How can i help my hair grow faster?

Too all there is no magic in growing hair faster. It will take some time. U can get prenatal vitamins that promotes hair and nails to grow. Get to a Beauty Supply Store and get shampoo and conditioner that help to promote hair growth. I like Doo Gro Products but they have several out there. Continue to get hair trim every 6-8 weeks. Also get a deep conditioner/treatment to use 1-2/week. Good luck.

How can i help my hair grow faster?

Take a supplement specifically targeted for hair growth...

How can i help my hair grow faster?

takeing care of it

How can i help my hair grow faster?

This will be tricky but it should work. First off you need to find radioactive waste. Then while you run around and cover yourself in it, concentrate really hard on hair growth and you should get a superpower that controls hair growth. Oh and it is possible that you get cancer or tissue damage from the above so you may want to try something else.

How can i help my hair grow faster?

The important thing is to keep your hair healthy, and don't cut it unless you absolutely need to. Try to protect it from damage... don't straighten or curl it often, give your hair a break and let it air-dry once in a while. Deep conditioning masks are also fantastic for keeping your hair looking great. Also, keep in mind that the longest length your hair can grow is genetic - some people can grow their hair to their ankles, while others can barely get it past their shoulders.

How can i help my hair grow faster?

Without resorting to chemicals, which someone has already mentioned,the best way is to eat a healthy diet..keep your hair trimmed every 6 to 8 weeks,and have really good scalp massages,to increase blood flow to scalp. Use a good quality shampoo and conditioner. If you are shampooing your hair everyday,buy a shampoo and conditioner that is formulated for frequent use.Keep your brushes and combs clean,and be sure not to use a hairdryer everyday,this drys out the hair too much and causes it to be brittle.

Take will notice a difference.your hair will be so much more silky.

How can i help my hair grow faster?

A multi-vitamin is a good idea. You can also try massaging your scalp. I haven't tried that personally, but i have heard that it's supposed to stimulate hair growth. It's worth a try.

How can i help my hair grow faster?

Use pure coconut oil,there none better than it's properties.

How can i help my hair grow faster?

You know, I usually have the answers to these questions but I don't know alot about this one. I guess even I am sort of wondering about this one. I know that there are Vitamins, certain foods, and sampoos, and other products that can make your hair grow faster, but I don't know which ones they are. I recomend Narrowing this question down to a couple of questions for each theory so you will get more specific answers.

The only thing I know that makes it ever so slightly faster is to trim your hair. Split ends will start at the tip of your hair but will become worse and eventually break your hair all the way to the root. Trimming it prevents this. Also Split ends cause dry hair, which in turn causes breakage which will slowly shorten your hair. It will shorten it just as fast as your hair can grow. Split ends can also cause your hair to knot up and when you brush it you break it, pull it out, dry it out, and make more split ends. Trim these off when they start to appear pretty bad. The rumor is that that is about once a month but really it depends on your hair. Just keep an eye on it, so it doesn't get really bad.

Once you get a trim make sure to not let your hair dry out, which can cause split ends to return. Use a good shampoo and allow the conditioner to set for 1 to 2 minutes before you rinse it. I suggest Thermasilk because the highest cause of dry hair is heat. Whether it be heat from styling methods or the sun. Now Thermasilk also helps to prevent split ends in general do to all causes and not just the heat. It will say it on the bottle, so watch for those words "New, Prevents split ends". If you preffer not to use Thermasilk, look for products that help to prevent split ends, dry hair, and breakage or brittleness.

That is all I really know about making your hair grow faster. Sorry I couldn't give you more help but hopefully what I could give you helps you. -Melissa

How can i help my hair grow faster?

Take Biotin, it's the only vitamin that has a direct effect on hair growth. Make sure to drink plently of water with it though.

How can i help my hair grow faster?

Vitamins for hair growth

Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage

New Hair Loss Products


How can i help my hair grow faster?

If you want hair to grow faster, you have to take supplements that work on your body chemistry to support hair's growth and strength at its genesis.....once it has grown out, it is just dead keratin

Try GNC, they make a supplement called "Nourishair" in formulas for men and women..they are HUGE pills and you have to take 2 daily. There is also a "Hair skin and nails" formula from Andrew Lessman that you can google, that has great ingredients and is easier to swallow, made by ProCaps labs. You can also take large doses of Biotin, sometimes called Vitamin H, take no less than 2500 micrograms daily to support healthy hair growth.

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