Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do you grow long hair,enlarge your breast,make your stomach to be thin and shapy for you to have

i have a hair that does not grow and i know its not nomal it breaks when i think its growing though it has weight but i dont find it funny the way my friends call it rat chop and im not fat but im lossing out good shape for bad and would want to know how i can get a good stomach is big and its causing me to loss out shape.i want to have a big breast so that i will have a great shape.i will also want to know how to makeup well so that it will suit my skin colour and bring out more beauty in me even on the type of hair to wear in different occassions like dinner parties ,birthday parties,even wedding parties and school end of year parties.i willapprecaite it so much if u can help me select a good pattern of dressing since i have this funny weight that makes all my wears to look like im old or some kind of stuff like that.

How do you grow long hair,enlarge your breast,make your stomach to be thin and shapy for you to have good shap

not long with all of the technology they have today you can be a totally different person than what you were yesterday.

How do you grow long hair,enlarge your breast,make your stomach to be thin and shapy for you to have good shap

well u need hair plantation, plastic sergury, professional makeup wow u gonna be a different and sexy person

How do you grow long hair,enlarge your breast,make your stomach to be thin and shapy for you to have good shap

you should always listen to your friend they are not very good Friends if the criticize what you look like and remember being skinny isn't everything skinny isn't the inn thing anymore. But you good try anyway thing like weight watchers and could but some hair extensions in

How do you grow long hair,enlarge your breast,make your stomach to be thin and shapy for you to have good shap


How do you grow long hair,enlarge your breast,make your stomach to be thin and shapy for you to have good shap

You sound very unhappy! First of all, remember that looks aren't everything; a smile does more than perfect legs or well-defined cheekbones. But looking great never hurt anyone... so...

Practice walking with a book on your head. Play music while you walk so that you can keep in rhythm, and include lots of turns. This will teach you to walk without bobbing up and down like a dinky little cork. Start with thinner books, walking slowly and barefoot, and work up to a fast walk in heels (3 inches or higher) and a big honkin' book like and encyclopedia. I use a five-inch-thick history archive.

When you walk, keep your head up, your eyes wide and lips slightly parted. Keep your shoulders back, chest thrust forward, and don't swing your arms like a hillbilly. Don't keep them stiff either; go for slightly bent elbows and a relaxed look.

Your stride needs to be powerful. Don't stomp or march, but plant your feet firmly, with knees slightly bent. Pretend there's an invisible line stretching out in front of you; you have to walk that line like a tightrope. This is the "catwalk." Keep your feet pointing straight forward as you do this - you don't want to look pigeon-toed - and if done properly, it will accentuate the hips and make your walk look fluid and graceful.

To get used to walking in high heels, walk on your toes all the time. This will strengthen your ankle and foot muscles and help your feet get used to a high-heels position.

Take your vitamins, take calcium, and eat lots of protein. Wash your hair with eggs to give it a protein boost, and be very gentle with it at all times so that the ends stay healthy and you don't have to trim as much off. Don't wash your hair every day, don't brush when wet, don't blow-dry on a hot setting, don't set your hair loose in a high wind, NEVER EVER tease/rat your hair, don't use shampoo below your earlobes, braid it loosely for sleeping, and don't use hairspray.

As for hairstyles: avoid center parts and extremely tight pulled-back styles. Go for a softer look, with a side part and some hair loose. Rollers are good for making soft waves. You don't need to be able to do a complicated hairstyle to look good. Just be mindful of how the hair makes your face look.

Vertical stripes can be slimming, but they can make you a) look like you're a convict or b) sometimes accentuate how your body curves in such a way that they only emphasize any extra pounds you've got. Flowing diagonals are great because they are forgiving - they disguise exact outlines, bumps, and lumps - and help make your movement look more graceful.

Get flared pants and A-line skirts. Don't cinch in your waist, because it's gross to see the fat bulging out on either side of a too-tight belt. In fact, avoid belts altogether. If you want a waist accessory, use a pretty sash or scarf knotted on one side, hanging around your hips, lower on one side than the other. This makes for a very feminine figure and helps pull together your outfit into a sort of boho look, which is very in right now.

Skirts are often a better bet than pants because they disguise your thighs and butt, and make you look more feminine. But don't wear skirts that show your knees (which typically don't even look good on super-skinnies), and don't wear skirts with major slits. You want coverage, and the illusion of perfect legs. I mean, no one will know your legs are too heavy if they can't see them, right?

For height, high heels are a must, but avoid ankle straps unless you have the most slender, shapely ankles around. Avoid extreme spike heels, which make you look tottery if you're carrying any extra pounts, and avoid clunky block heels. Make sure that your feet don't bulge out of the tops of your shoes; you might need a mirror to check because it can be difficult to tell from an "aerial view." Boots can serve double duty as leg concealers/illuionizers and make your legs look longer (if they're knee-high) AND give you additional height.

You can now purchase custom-made corsets online from a number of excellent corsetiers. A good corset can reduce your waistline by up to 4 inches (more if you do waist training, which you can read about on most corset company sites). It also makes your figure look more feminine - definitely not "old!" If you can't afford one or don't want to wear one, just suck in your stomach all the time, all day except when you're lying down in bed. It's a little tough the first couple days, but after that it becomes natural. It's really not as hard as it sounds. Wearing a very snug strapless bra can help remind you to suck it in if you find yourself lapsing.

And finally, good posture is a must for looking good. Just holding your head up and shoulders back makes a huge difference.

Good luck!

How do you grow long hair,enlarge your breast,make your stomach to be thin and shapy for you to have good shap


How do you grow long hair,enlarge your breast,make your stomach to be thin and shapy for you to have good shap

lol ok you must hate your body. use a shampoo that will help your hair grow faster, get it cut every few months (split ends slow down the growth of the hair - so get them cut off) get surgery for your breasts (i dont recommend this) exercise and watch what you eat just be happy with the way you are

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