Thursday, November 12, 2009

I used to have realllly long hair, then I got it cut to keep it healthy, and now it won't grow

As I said above, my hair was really long. I hadn't gotten it cut in awhile, so when I did, I cut a substantial amount off, to give it a nice clean start, hoping that would help it grow. But ever since then, it hasn't grown back as long, and it makes me sad :( Anyone have any tips for, I guess, ways to make your hair grow faster? I have tried getting it trimmed more frequently, but it really hasn't helped. Anything is helpful! Thank You! :)

I used to have realllly long hair, then I got it cut to keep it healthy, and now it won't grow back as long :(

The longer your hair is, the 閳ユΖlder閳?the ends of it are. Everyday, wear and tear, such as sun, wind, blow drying, curling irons and other heat styling tools, even shampooing and brushing, all work together to gradually erode each hair. This eventually causes split ends that will, in turn, result in the hair breaking off. Don't believe in that myth of the 100 stokes a day. Just brush enough to distribute the oil from your scalp to the reswt of your hair.

Hair grows at a different rate for each person. The best way to keep your growing strong is to keep it healthy and eat a good healthy diet as well. Food plays a big part in your skin and hair growth. And don't believe the empty promises of shampoos and supplements for faster hair growth.

Here are some hair growing tips:

Eliminate or cut back on smoking, caffeine and carbonated sodas which weaken the body and block maximum hair growing potential.

Eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of good protein, vitamins and minerals, specially iron.

Try fish, poulty without skin, lean beef, eggs, and dairy products.

Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and beans.

Avoid foods that are high in sugar or fat.

Treat your hair like a piece of fine old lace.

Treat it carefully avoiding any unnecessary brushing, combing or handling.

Avoid use of hot water, hot blow dryers or other hair care tools that may stress the hair.

Have a weekly scalp massage to provide stimulation to the hair follicles.

Do a series of ongoing hot oil treatments to protect the hair's shaft.

Have regular trims to eliminate split ends and allow the hair to look and feel healthier.

Get plenty of rest and sleep to allow your body to grow hair

Avoid stress!

If any of these tips work for you consult a dematologist you might have a medical condition that it makes your hair stop from growing.

All the best to you!

I used to have realllly long hair, then I got it cut to keep it healthy, and now it won't grow back as long :(

It's not that it doesn't grow back as fast , it's that you are waiting for it, so the time seems to pass much longer.

Just be patient and you will have those locks back, stop cutting it, that doesnt ever help, put the clippers down.

I used to have realllly long hair, then I got it cut to keep it healthy, and now it won't grow back as long :(

YOU are just growing

that's all

I used to have realllly long hair, then I got it cut to keep it healthy, and now it won't grow back as long :(

Trimming your hair doesn't help your hair grow, but stimulating your scap does. Use a brush and brush from your scalp up and out to your ends three times on one side of a parting and then three times on the back. Do this all over your head twice a day. Next, stop looking in the mirror everyday to see if it's grown(that won't help)

I used to have realllly long hair, then I got it cut to keep it healthy, and now it won't grow back as long :(

herbal supplement kelp

I used to have realllly long hair, then I got it cut to keep it healthy, and now it won't grow back as long :(

i used to have a very good shiny long hair..but when my step mom decided to keep it cut short,my hair was awful! they say hairs will also feel bad.maybe that's what happened to me..don't cut it if you want to keep it won't see the result if you cut it gradually..or maybe use hair growers if you want to...good luck.._c",)

I used to have realllly long hair, then I got it cut to keep it healthy, and now it won't grow back as long :(

use a shampoo with aloe vera. They help promote hair growth. My mom has hair loss problems so she used this one called "Cre-c" that it grew back, it was strong, and it was long really fast.

I used to have realllly long hair, then I got it cut to keep it healthy, and now it won't grow back as long :(

Try this site - sometimes the hair just won't grow back as long, sometimes it takea a lot more patience and care.

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