Thursday, November 12, 2009

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister!

i have short dark brown hair, i had to cut it because it was to short to do any thing with. i keep combed down and i put a head band in the middle of my head for style. but now i want to have a pony tail like my twin sister. but the bad thing is i can't put anything in my hair like jail,jam,spray, etc. or else it will break my face out. but i'll try to wash my hair every week or more if i put anything in it. so please tell me how to make it grow, how to make it grow long and how to make it grow fast! because im tired of having short hair now and i want long hair now but i need to know how to make it longer. so if anyone now's how please tell thank you so much =D

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

srry but your gonna have to wait for it to grow. it can't just magically grow overnight.

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

Just keep it healthy and get it trimmed regularly. It works!

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

You cut it because it was to short to do anything with? That just delayed the time.


Time it will take awhile but time. Dont worry :)

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

try taking a muti vitamin or a prenatal vitamin and drink lots of water stressing will only cause your hair to break.

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

HAHAHA, you've got a LOT of growing to do before you can get a ponytail, about 7 or 8 months.

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

warm up castor oil,almod sweet oil and coconut oil.then,use your hands to massage the oil into your scalp for 15 minutes then,sleep in a silk scarf.try it and see.use chemicals less frequently

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

Well for one, you shouldn't wash your hair everyday because when you wash your hair it keeps it from growing as fast. I know this because my mother has had the same problem. She cut down on washing her hair and it started to grow fast. She washed it for about 2 times a week. GOOD LUCK!

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

Response to: "but i'll try to wash my hair every week or more if i put anything in it." really should be washing your hair bare minimum every other day. Every day is best though. You can't make your hair longer without getting extensions.

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

im sorry but im prety sure that thres no way to make hair grow fast withought using a spray or gel

i've heard of a green tea that can help fingernails grow faster

so look for a ( probably hearbalistic) tea that might dot he trick

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

Get that fake pony tail things from Clair's

I wish I had a twin!

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

You are just going to have to wait, Sweetie.

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

no use wild growth hair oil !!!!!! i use and love it

hello OK so I'm on answers allot and i see allot of people men and women asking about hair growth so i got really tired of type it over and over so i writting an official one that i can just copy and paste to you guys...OK

this product is called wild growth hair oil,and it all natural and it's been out for over 20 years and it really dose work... like really umm i stated using this oil in i think the 5 or 6 grade I'm in the 10 th now i know lol but umm the oil is perfect i love it to tell you the truth i think it's wonderful it's for all hair type from white,black,Asian,umm Scottish whatever the oil is really good and it works there is a site in on it i have no pic's yet but i might give some in June of 08 so my hair should be on or past my shoulders then but the all can be use for both men and woman of all ages and here the link the site it can be bought on line at the wild growth site or at some local beauty store i get mine from sally's beauty for like 7.99 and the prices may deffer on were you buy it but here's the link and i hope you guy get a look into it and try it out

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

coconut oil is an excellent source for hair growth. puerto rican girls and indian girls put that on their hair every night before bed and it makes your hair grow.

green tea tree oil hair growth cream, which you can buy at a Sally's salon store, comes in a green container. put it on daily and your hair is sure to grow.

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

You will just have to let it grow out naturally. Unfortunately there is no way to make your hair grow faster. You could get hair extensions if you want it longer though

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

mane and tail shampoo helps your hair grow a lot faster. you can find it anywhere like cvs, rite aid or pretty much any store that sells shampoos. they come in big bottles and dont cost much :)

you should also take a multi-vitamin and try to eat really healthy. also try to get lots of sleep. sleep and healthy foods are really good for your hair and will help them grow faster.

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

The only thing you can do is take good care of it. Use products if you blowdry or straighten it, get it trimmed regularly, use conditioner, don't wash it too often, ect. When it gets annoying to you and you are trying to decide if you want to cut it, try different things with it to see if you can keep growing it out. Unfortunately, you just have to wait. I had really short hair three years ago and I've been growing it out ever since. It is only to my mid-back now, so it takes a long time. Try to be patient.

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

Well, hair doesn't grow POOF just like that. Some people's hair grows faster than others. Getting it trimmed ever so slighty once in a while makes it grow faster, I no crazy right.. getting it cut makes it longer... but it works. And try to wash your hair more to keep it healthy. Hope this helps.

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

I realize you have ethnic hair... but you have got to wash it more than once a week. You need to wash it no less than every three days. Seriously. You will notice that folks that wash their hair often have hair that grows at three times the rate. All that stuff you have grown up with about not washing your hair too much is all a load.

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

srry but there is nothing on this earth that can make hair grow faster. rather than freaking out and getting stressed i suggest you leave it to mother nature. Hair only grows about 1-3 inches per month so it will take a while. i think if you try some salon conditioners it will make your hair nice and smooth. atleast that will be better than crying about it trust me rite now I am in the same situation as you. the only thing you could do is wait. well I hope this helps and good luck

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

My daughter goes to this natural health site for a product and found a hairgrowth one listed- of course she had to try it- she had very short ahir and so we could see the difference in a couple of weeks- they said an oil used by geishas -

well she used it on her eyelashes too- like they said, and they are longer now!

if yours is short, you probably can try the sample like she did, to see if it works- they say you can see fast resulsts in very short hair

its at

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

hair is protein, a diet that is too low in protein may cause some thinning in hair or a retardation in the growth cycle.If you eat a protein-rich diet it will often result in improved hair growth.To Know more about your hair will help you.

Help please! I want to grow my hair out but its to short, i want to have a pony tail like my sister! help me!?

Try this pony tail

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